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Nick Guy Series Page 1

Nick Guy 1 Nick Guy 2 Nick Guy 3 Reality Check The Human Eel Additional Series Music

01 – Empty Tomb Affair.

Nick Guy is hired to discover what happened to the body of Jesus three days after it was laid in a tomb.

02 - Nick Guy & the Man from Nazareth Affair
Nick Guy is hired to determine whether or not Jesus really exists. His investigation reveals not only that Jesus did indeed walk upon the face of the earth, but that the Bible is incredibly accurate not only in that it has been handed down faithfully through all these years, but that what it contains is true.
03 - Nick Guy & the Child of Bethlehem Affair

When King Herod hears of the birth of a child in the small town of Bethlehem he seeks to take the child’s life. Nick Guy is hired to find the child before Herod does to protect Him, using incredible Old Testament Messianic prophecies to do so.

04 - Nick Guy & the Saul of Tarsus Affair

Nick Guy is hired to discover what happened to Saul of Tarsus, a dedicated and zealous Pharisee, dedicated to eradicating Christianity, but who underwent a drastic change while traveling on the road to Damascus.

05 - Nick Guy & the Age of the Earth Affair

Nick Guy is hired to discover what happened to the body of Jesus three days after it was laid in a tomb.

09 - Nick Guy & the Amazing Design Affair

Nick Guy is hired to find a rare woodpecker which has gone missing. His research reveals the amazing and unique way woodpeckers are designed, which all point to an intelligent designer.

16 - Mercy, Mercy, Mercy Affair

Every year Mario Capuzzo, a money lender, honors his great-great-grandmother by forgiving the debt of a worthy recipient. While helping him in determining the identity of this year’s recipient, Nick Guy learns the Biblical meaning of mercy.

19 - Piece of Land Peacemaker

While trying to mediate a long-standing feud, Nick Guy learns the difference between peacekeeping and peacemaking.

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23 - Christmas Carol Affair

In this retelling of the classic Dickens story, we learn the Biblical truth that all men are in need of a Savior, because all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.

24 - The Bad Things/Good People Affair

Why do bad things happen to good people? Nick Guy learns the truth behind this complex question, and the answer is that: they don’t.

26 - The Cold-Case Affair

Is it possible to investigate a case that is 2,000 years old? Nick Guy applies cold-case methods in his investigation into the work of Christ on the Cross.

image of 30 – Nick Guy & the Truth About Truth Affair
30 – Nick Guy & the Truth About Truth Affair

While truth is valuable, many are willing to compromise it in the name of a good cause. But, as Nick Guy discovers, the ends do not justify the means, if those means require sacrificing truth.

38 - The “Yes” is “Yes” and the “No” is “No” Affair

39 - The Snow White Affair

In this retelling of the popular children’s story, Snow White learns a valuable lesson about the dangers of the desire of the eyes, the desire of the flesh and the pride of life.

NGTale of 2 Religions
41 - The Tale of Two Religions Affair
Nick Guy & Dr. DeSoto are hired to discover who is behind the threatening letters being sent to liberal theologian Dr. Allison Katterly. Along the way, they discover that the physical, bodily resurrection of Jesus from the dead is so essential to the Christian Faith, that any theological view that holds otherwise constitutes the belief in a whole different religion.
42 - The He vs. She Affair
Miss Timid, a good friend of Nick Guy and Dr. DeSoto is on vacation. And when a valuable diamond bracelet is stolen from a fellow vacationer in the hotel where she’s staying, she is forced to become a part of the investigation. She also has the opportunity to explain God’s design and plan for men and women to a fellow hotel guest.
28 - Give Me Liberty Affair

While tracking down a lost inheritance, Nick Guy discovers the difference between license and liberty, and that liberty does not come without responsibility.

29 – The Greatest Gift Affair

It’s Christmas, and the greatest gift anyone has ever given is still the gift recorded in John 3:16. "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life."

31 - The Fair is Fair Affair

Nick Guy is searching for a missing 17th Century Moravian ivory-stemmed, hand-carved smoking pipe. Along the way, he learns what the Bible has to say about economics and economic systems.

32 - The Tequila Mockingbird Affair

Valuable heirloom is missing and making its way around the world. Three suspiciously suspicious characters are chasing after it. Is what greed does to us worth the prize?

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CD Cover The Reality or...Whatever Affair
33 - The Reality or...Whatever Affair
When subjective feelings become reality and objective facts become nothing more than social constructs, nothing is certain and everything is up for grabs. Nick Guy discovers that even in a world where perception is reality, villains operate quite nicely.
34 - It’s Not Such a Wonderful Life Affair
34 - It’s Not Such a Wonderful Life Affair

In this retelling of the popular Jimmy Stewart movie, Nick Guy takes the perspective of the crotchety old Henry Porter. We learn how he became what he became, and why that is still no excuse.

The Wizard is Odd Affair
35 - The Wizard is Odd Affair

A delightful retelling of the popular story where Dotty, a young farm girl from Kansas, travels to a strange land in her search to find peace with God.

The With Me-Against Me Affair
36 - The With Me/Against Me Affair
Not all is well at the Royal Orb Theater, where the Stanley Shakespeare play “Spamlet” is in rehearsal. Nick Guy is hired to see who is behind the attempt to close the curtain before it even goes up. Along the way, he uncovers the truth behind Jesus two seemingly contradictory statements: “Whoever is not with Me is against Me,” and “Whoever is not against us is for us.”
43-Imago Dei-with artist name
The Imago Dei Affair

Nick Guy & Dr. DeSoto are hired to prevent the theft of a valuable sculpture. Along the way they discover what it means for man to be created in the image of God.

44-Jack  the Bean Stock
44 - The Jack & the Bean Stock Affair

Based on the Book of Job, Nick Guy hears the story of Jack Ballard, a financial advisor who loses everything in a short period of time. His story delves into trying to understand the purpose and reasons behind human suffering from a Biblical Worldview.

45-To Be or Not To Be-with artist name
45 - To Be or Not To Be Affair
Nick Guy & Dr. DeSoto are hired by their old friend Billy Orbach to investigate the strange goings on at the Royal Orb Theater which are threatening to bring the production of Stanley Shakespeare’s “The Merry Stooges of Windsor” to an end. Along with solving that mystery, Nick Guy also delves into the question of whether or not it is necessary for God to exist to explain the existence of everything else that exists.
47 - Nick Guy & the Sleeping Beauty Affair

In this retelling of the Classic Children’s Fairy Tale, Nick Guy relates the mystery and the wonder of God’s divine providence in sovereignly directing all of life to fulfill His plan and purpose.

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